20 years!i-structures

Using the document template

Questionnaire paragraph styles

Questionnaires are very special units within the documents that allow an interaction with the student. This interaction can happen either as short series of simple questions within the body of the lesson, as part of the summarizing self-test part of the lesson (all these are automatically and immediately evaluated, without any storage of the results), or as part of a formal test or exercise, in which case the results are stored in a database, reviewed and graded by the assistants before the student obtains a evaluation. Questionnaires are also used to store the results of the students’ reactions or evaluations of the general and pedagogical aspects of the course.


A questionnaire is always displayed on a single page, with a “submit” button at the bottom of the questionnaire. Short questionnaires can be introduced in the body of the normal course, and be naturally integrated with the activities of the students. A single questionnaire (that may contain several questions) may be present on any page. In fact, creating two or more questionnaires on a page will not lead to an error, but the behavior of the page thus created will not be correct.