Graphical layout of the lessons
The graphical layout of the lessons is a very important component, especially considering that the course is principally aimed at architecture students with a high sensitivity to aesthetics. At the same time, it is easy to recognize that, in the matter of Internet page design, not all solutions are good, and no solution can last for very long. It is therefore highly desirable that the content prepared as part of the course be prepared in such a manner that it can survive several versions of the graphical layout. How can this be achieved? By a clear separation between the content of the course on one side (main responsibility: authors) and the web design on the other side (main responsibility : web designer and graphical artists). The way this can be performed it shown in the figure XXX. At the time the text of the author is transformed from a Word document into a series of Web pages, codes indicating the content of each file (title, author, subtitles, etc.) are inserted, as well as some other information. The page is prepared without too much attention to the layout (noting, however, that important layout decisions, such as how many columns a table has, or what their content is, will not be affected by general decisions about the site layout). As each page is requested from the web server, the server executes a small program (script) that adds the information required for the proper formatting of the page. This happens very quickly and has a negligible impact on the perceived performance of the web site. Because the graphical layout (including the binding of Cascading Style Sheets) happens dynamically in a program running on the web server, the entire layout of the web site can be changed by simply altering the contents of the script file. It is thus possible to change the appearance of the web site at any time, without affecting at all the contents of the web site. Conversely, it is also possible to prepare content material without consideration of the actual look of the web site.