20 years!i-structures

How to create an on-line questionnaire

Question definition codes

The code to input in column 1 of the question table to define the type of question and the layout options has the following syntax:

#points/question type/default value/correct answer(s)/inline/options
#points     Number of grade points attributed to the question. Use 0 for non-mandatory questions, as for instance Type of computer used at home.
question type Code for the question type (1 = drop-dow list, 2 = list, 3 = radio buttons, 8 = text, 9 = multi-line text)
default value default value to be displayed when the page is first loaded
correct answer(s) Correct answer (position of the answer for types 1-3, actual value with tolerance for type 8. Example : 8.5(1.0) -> range of correct values from 7.5 to 9.5)
inline use i if the question needs to be inserted in the flow of the previous text. Otherwise, each question will be in its own paragraph.
options Display options. For type 3 : use v for vertical layout for type 8, specify the width of the text box for type 9, specify the dimensions for the multi-line text box : use 40x4 for 4 lines of 40 characters.